Debugging Unity mobile apps can be challenging, but this checklist provides a systematic approach to identify and fix issues efficiently:

  • Set up Unity for debugging by enabling development builds and script debugging in the build settings
  • Debug on Android devices using USB/wireless connections and ADB logcat
  • Debug on iOS devices using Xcode or JetBrains Rider
  • Troubleshoot common issues like app crashes, device connection problems, and build/deployment errors
  • Profile and optimize apps using Unity's Profiler and optimization techniques like graphical, scripting, and rendering improvements

By following these steps, you'll streamline your development lifecycle, reduce errors, and create a smoother user experience for your Unity mobile apps.

Common Questions

Question Answer
Why is Unity not detecting my Android phone? Check if your device is properly connected and has USB Debugging enabled in Developer options.

Setting Up Unity for Debugging


To debug your Unity mobile app efficiently, you need to set up Unity correctly. This section will guide you through the essential steps to enable development builds and script debugging in Unity's build settings.

Enabling Development Builds

To enable development builds, follow these steps:

1. Close Visual Studio if it's open. 2. Open the Build Settings window in Unity. 3. Select the Development Build option. 4. Build the application and launch it on your device or select Build And Run.

Why is this important? Enabling development builds allows you to attach debuggers and diagnose issues in your application.

Enabling Script Debugging

To enable script debugging, follow these steps:

1. Open the Build Settings window in Unity. 2. Select the Script Debugging option. 3. Build the application and launch it on your device or select Build And Run.

What does this do? Enabling script debugging allows you to set breakpoints and inspect variables during runtime on mobile devices.

By following these steps, you'll be able to set up Unity for debugging, making it easier to identify and fix issues in your mobile application. In the next section, we'll explore debugging on Android devices.

Debugging on Android Devices


Debugging on Android devices is a crucial step in the Unity mobile app development process. This section will guide you through the methods to debug Unity applications on Android devices, including USB and wireless connections, and the use of Android Debug Bridge (ADB) tools like adb logcat.

USB Debugging Setup

To set up USB debugging, follow these steps:

Step Action
1 Enable Developer Options on your Android device by going to Settings > About phone > Build number and tapping it seven times.
2 Enable USB Debugging by going to Settings > Developer options > USB debugging and toggling the switch to enable it.
3 Install the necessary USB drivers for your Android device on your computer.
4 Connect your Android device to your computer using a USB cable.
5 Build and run your Unity application on your device.

Why is this important? Enabling USB debugging allows you to attach debuggers and diagnose issues in your application.

Wireless Debugging Setup

Wireless debugging is an alternative to USB debugging, which allows you to debug your application without a physical connection to your device. Here's how to set it up:

Step Action
1 Enable Developer Options on your Android device by going to Settings > About phone > Build number and tapping it seven times.
2 Enable Wireless Debugging by going to Settings > Developer options > Wireless debugging and toggling the switch to enable it.
3 Connect your Android device to your computer using a wireless connection.
4 Build and run your Unity application on your device.

What are the benefits? Wireless debugging provides more flexibility and convenience, especially when testing your application on multiple devices.

Using ADB Logcat


adb logcat is a powerful tool that provides valuable log information and stack traces essential for debugging Android applications. Here's how to use it:

Step Action
1 Open a terminal or command prompt on your computer.
2 Navigate to the Android SDK platform-tools directory.
3 Run the command adb logcat to view the log information.
4 Use filters to narrow down the log information to specific tags or priorities.

What can you do with adb logcat? You can use adb logcat to diagnose issues, track performance, and enhance the overall user experience of your Unity application on Android devices.

By following these steps, you'll be able to set up USB and wireless debugging, and use adb logcat to debug your Unity application on Android devices. In the next section, we'll explore debugging Unity iOS apps.

Debugging Unity iOS Apps

Debugging Unity iOS apps is a crucial step in the Unity mobile app development process. This section will explore methods for debugging Unity apps on iOS devices, from building and running in Xcode to utilizing IDEs like JetBrains Rider for a comprehensive debugging session.

Xcode Debugging Workflow


To debug your Unity iOS app in Xcode, follow these steps:

Step Action
1 Open your Unity project and go to File > Build Settings.
2 Select iOS as the target platform and choose a simulator or device to build for.
3 Click Build to export your project to Xcode.
4 Open the generated Xcode project and select the target device or simulator.
5 Click the Play button to run your app on the device or simulator.

Why is this important? Debugging in Xcode allows you to diagnose issues specific to iOS devices and utilize Xcode's built-in debugging tools.

JetBrains Rider for iOS Debugging

JetBrains Rider

JetBrains Rider is a powerful IDE that provides comprehensive debugging features for Unity iOS apps. Here's how to set it up:

Step Action
1 Open your Unity project and go to Edit > Preferences > External Tools.
2 Select JetBrains Rider as the external editor.
3 Open your project in JetBrains Rider and attach the debugger to the Unity process.
4 Use Rider's debugging features, such as breakpoints and watches, to diagnose issues in your app.

What are the benefits? JetBrains Rider provides a comprehensive debugging experience, allowing you to debug your Unity iOS app with ease and diagnose issues quickly.

By following these steps, you'll be able to set up Xcode and JetBrains Rider for debugging Unity iOS apps, ensuring a smoother development process. In the next section, we'll explore common debugging issues and fixes.


Common Debugging Issues and Fixes

Debugging can be a challenging task, especially when you encounter common issues that can disrupt your workflow. This section will guide you through frequent challenges and provide strategies to overcome them.

Troubleshooting App Crashes

App crashes can be frustrating and difficult to diagnose. To troubleshoot app crashes:

Step Action
1 Analyze crash logs to identify the root cause of the issue.
2 Remove problematic plug-ins or assets that may be causing the crash.
3 Test your app on different devices and platforms to isolate the issue.
4 Use Unity's built-in debugging tools, such as the Debugger and the Profiler, to identify performance bottlenecks and memory leaks.

Why is this important? Troubleshooting app crashes is crucial to ensuring a smooth user experience and preventing negative reviews.

Fixing Android Device Connection Issues

Android device connection issues can prevent you from debugging your app on physical devices. To fix these issues:

Step Action
1 Ensure that USB debugging is enabled on your Android device.
2 Check that your device is properly connected to your computer and that the USB drivers are up to date.
3 Restart your device and computer to reset the connection.
4 Use the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) to troubleshoot connection issues and diagnose problems.

What are the benefits? Fixing Android device connection issues allows you to test and debug your app on physical devices, ensuring a more accurate representation of the user experience.

Resolving Build and Deployment Errors

Build and deployment errors can prevent your app from being published to the app stores. To resolve these issues:

Step Action
1 Check the Unity Editor's console output for error messages and warnings.
2 Ensure that your project's build settings are correctly configured for the target platform.
3 Resolve manifest conflicts and DEX format conversion issues by adjusting your project's Android settings.
4 Use Unity's built-in build and deployment tools to simplify the process and reduce errors.

What are the benefits? Resolving build and deployment errors ensures that your app is properly packaged and ready for distribution, reducing the risk of errors and delays.

Profiling and Optimizing Apps

Profiling and optimizing mobile apps is crucial to ensure a smooth user experience on mobile devices. In this section, we will explore the importance of profiling and provide guidance on using Unity's built-in profiler and various optimization techniques to enhance app efficiency.

Using the Unity Profiler

The Unity Profiler is a powerful tool that helps you measure project performance and identify bottlenecks. To use the Unity Profiler, follow these steps:

Step Action
1 Open the Unity Editor and navigate to Window > Analysis > Profiler.
2 Ensure that your project is in Play mode.
3 The Profiler window will display various graphs and charts, including CPU usage, memory allocation, and rendering statistics.
4 Analyze the data to identify areas for improvement.

Why is this important? The Unity Profiler helps you identify performance bottlenecks, optimize your app, and ensure a smooth user experience.

Optimization Techniques

Optimization techniques are essential to enhance app efficiency and improve performance. Here are some optimization methods to consider:

Technique Description
Graphical Optimizations Reduce polygon counts, use texture compression, and optimize shaders to improve rendering performance.
Scripting Improvements Optimize scripts by reducing unnecessary calculations, using caching, and minimizing garbage collection.
Rendering Techniques Use occlusion culling, level of detail, and batching to reduce rendering overhead.

Benefits of Optimization Optimizing your app reduces crashes, improves performance, and enhances the overall user experience.

By following these guidelines and using the Unity Profiler, you can identify performance bottlenecks and implement optimization techniques to create a smoother and more efficient mobile app.


In this Unity mobile debugging checklist, we've covered the essential steps to ensure a robust and efficient debugging process for your Unity mobile applications. From setting up Unity for debugging to profiling and optimizing your apps, we've provided a detailed guide to help you identify and resolve common issues.

Key Takeaways

By following this checklist, you'll be able to:

  • Streamline your development lifecycle
  • Reduce errors
  • Create a smoother user experience

Implementing Best Practices

Remember, debugging is an integral part of the development process. By integrating these practices into your workflow, you'll be able to:

  • Catch errors early
  • Optimize performance
  • Deliver high-quality mobile apps

Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, this checklist is an invaluable resource to help you navigate the complexities of Unity mobile debugging.

Final Thoughts

Take the time to review this checklist, implement the recommended practices, and watch your development process transform. Happy coding!


Why is Unity not detecting my Android phone?

If Unity cannot find an Android device connected to the system, check the following:

Check Description
Device Connection Make sure your device is actually connected to your computer - check the USB cable and the sockets.
USB Debugging Ensure that your device has USB Debugging enabled in the Developer options.

By checking these simple settings, you can resolve the issue of Unity not detecting your Android phone.

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