In this digital era, it is not surprising that the mobile app development industry is booming. Businesses are developing mobile apps to improve their online presence. But what are the chances that your mobile app is going to be a success and not a huge flop? What are the things that ensure that your app survives in the competitive market and is worth investing your money in? According to an article, it was also discovered that the average app loses 77% of its daily active users within the first three days after installation. Developing a mobile app is not an easy task, it involves numerous challenges, risks, and the possibility of failure. In this story, we are going to find out what are the 10 basic mistakes to avoid in mobile app development.

Here are the 10 must-avoid mistakes in mobile app development:

1. Not Having Clear App Goals

Before developing your app, you must have a clear vision of what your app will provide to users. Are the features on which the app is being developed good enough to start the development process? Having a clear objective for your app is essential. Without a strong foundation, you risk creating an app that lacks direction and fails to satisfy your target audience. This can lead to problems even after the app is launched. Therefore, it is crucial to have clear goals for what your app will offer before beginning the development process and launching the mobile application.

2. Not Enough Market Research

One of the biggest mistakes in mobile app development is not having enough market research before launching the app. It is an important step as it allows you to have a clear vision of your target audience's needs. It helps to determine if your app will offer features to customers that others in your domain are not providing. Failing to learn about your competitors' app strengths and weaknesses can result in features that are already available to the customers and are better. That way your app is going to be a huge failure and people will not use that. So you must thoroughly have enough market research about all things including your competitor's strengths, their audience, your target audience, and your app's unique selling points that can create hype and distinguish it from the competition.

3. Not Building an MVP

Not building an MVP for your mobile app is an underrated problem. An MVP stands for a minimum viable product, it is an early version of the app with all the essential features that a user needs. Developing an MVP and launching it earlier is a great way to lower risks and chances of failure. With the help of early users, you can develop your app over time making it more user-friendly. This can help you avoid developing features that users don't need or want. On the other hand, if you skip building an MVP, you may end up spending years of time, money, and resources on an app that ultimately turns out to be unsuccessful, which is a huge mistake. Get in touch with us and get your MVP in 30 days with our Zee Palm.

4. Estimating the Wrong Budget

It is important to have a realistic budget in your mind while developing a mobile app. Mobile app development can be expensive as you have to consider all the factors such as development cost, marketing, wireframe cost, team budget, and other stuff. So don’t underestimate or overestimate the budget by including all the unnecessary features in your app. You must have a properly planned budget for your app so you don't waste money and resources on something unnecessary.

5. Designing a Poor Wireframe

A wireframe is a visual representation of the interface of the app. Designing a good user interface is extremely important for success. Don't overcomplicate your app with unnecessary features like time-consuming loading animation. People like to use apps that respond quickly without taking time. A poor UI/UX  can make your app difficult to use and understand. It will eventually lead to the uninstalling of the app. You must have a good and easy-to-understand app.

6. Not Testing the App

Nobody wants to use an app that is too laggy and has errors while using it. That is why thoroughly testing your app before launching it is extremely crucial. It involves testing the app on different devices, with different operating systems and networks. Implement proper phases of different tests on the app so that there are no errors, lagging, or crashing problems. You should provide your users with a good first impression so that they continue to use the app.

7. Not Taking User Feedback

One of the mistakes in development is also not taking feedback from your audience. If you are not aware of their needs and what they want in the app to be included you are going to lose users. Making your app user-friendly is the biggest goal. Feedback from the user helps a lot in the development and improvement of the app. So, I suggest regularly taking feedback and implementing them for better results.

8. Unplanned Marketing Strategy

Once your app is developed, you need a proper market strategy to advertise it to your target audience. Not having a market strategy is a big problem. What's the point of developing the app if you are not going to promote it in the market in the right way? Before launching your app have a proper discussion with your team about how to strategically promote your app into the market so that you gain more users, investors, and stakeholders. You can promote your app through different social media platforms, emails, and paid advertisements. The first impression of the app matters a lot, failing to properly market your app to the customers can result in losing early users and achieving only a limited amount of downloads.

9. Security Oversights and Not Updating Your App 

Hackers can target your mobile app so it is necessary to take security measures seriously. It can be done by measures such as user authentication, verification through the mail, and encryption. Failing to maintain security measures can expose user data to the public which could end up in losing user's trust, market value and and serious legal consequences. It is also important to keep your app updated and according to user needs. Keeping the app up to date not only fixes bugs and lowers the risk of hacking, but it also provides users with new features, ensuring they have the best user experience.

10. Overlooking Mobile App Monetization

Overlooking monetization can prove to be a significant mistake. Failing to incorporate a monetization plan can lead to missed profit opportunities and jeopardize the app's long-term ability to sustain itself in the market. Without a clear strategy, you may struggle to cover development and operational costs, as well as struggle to generate funds for future updates and improvements. You can implement monetization through advertisements, in-app purchases, premium features and other paid options. According to an article, In-app advertising is the most common monetization strategy for mobile apps, accounting for 60% of all revenue. Monetization is important as it not only generates the financial resources required to increase revenue over time. A real-life example of this is Candy Crush Saga which is a freemium game that generates revenue through in-app purchases. Players can buy power-up items like jellyfish candies, lollipop hammers, free switches, and many other special candies.

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