Looking for the most popular mobile app development framework in 2024? Here's a quick guide to help you choose the right one for your project. Whether you're building for iOS, Android, or both, these frameworks offer powerful features to streamline your development process.

  • React Native: Fast, supports both iOS and Android with a large community.
  • Flutter: Known for its hot reload feature, customizable UI, and performance.
  • Xamarin: Integrates with Microsoft technologies, great for complex apps.
  • Ionic: Ideal for web developers transitioning to mobile app development.
  • NativeScript: Allows for native app development using JavaScript.

Quick Comparison:

Framework Pros Cons
React Native Quick updates, large community May struggle with complex animations
Flutter Customizable UI, hot reload Learning Dart required
Xamarin Native performance, C# and .NET integration Smaller community
Ionic Uses web technologies, wide platform support Performance issues with heavy graphics
Kotlin Multiplatform Share code across platforms, strong performance iOS support still evolving

Choosing the right framework depends on your project's specific needs, such as performance, development time, and platform compatibility. New tools like Kotlin Multiplatform, Flutter for Web, Blazor, and Capacitor are also emerging, offering innovative approaches to app development.

Criteria for Choosing a Mobile App Development Framework

Picking the right tool to build your mobile app is super important. Here's what to think about when choosing:


How fast and smooth your app runs is a big deal, especially if your app does a lot of stuff or has fancy graphics.

  • Native development frameworks, like Swift for iOS and Kotlin for Android, let your app work directly with the phone for the best speed and look.
  • Cross-platform frameworks, like React Native, are pretty good too but might not handle complex apps as well.

Think about what your app needs to do, like moving pictures or 3D stuff, before deciding.

Development Time

  • Some frameworks come with lots of help, like guides, ready-to-use parts, and a bunch of people who can answer questions, which can speed up making your app.

  • Features like hot reload in Flutter show changes right away, which saves a ton of time.

Consider how much you already know and how much there is to learn.

Platform Support

  • Hybrid frameworks, like Ionic, let you make one app that works on both iPhones and Android phones.
  • Native frameworks mean you'll have to make separate apps for each kind of phone.

Think about where your app needs to run and how much work that involves.

Community Backing

  • Big frameworks like React Native and Flutter have a lot of support, making it easier to build your app and fix any bumps along the way.

Check how much help is out there, like tools, libraries, and people who know their stuff, to make building your app smoother.

Looking at these things carefully and matching them with what your app needs can help you pick the best tool to make your app quickly and without spending too much. It's a good idea to talk to experts in app making to find out which tool fits your project best.

Mobile App Development Frameworks

1. React Native

React Native


React Native makes apps run really well because it turns JavaScript code into the same kind of code that phones usually understand. This means apps can work almost as fast as if they were built in the phone's original language. If your app has a lot of moving parts or needs to do heavy calculations, it might slow down a bit, but generally, React Native keeps things speedy.

Development Time

If you know how to code in JavaScript, picking up React Native can be quick, usually taking about 1 to 2 weeks to get the hang of it. A cool feature called hot reloading lets you see changes right away without having to start over, which saves a lot of time. Plus, there's a lot of help and instructions available to speed up the learning process.

Platform Compatibility

With React Native, you can make apps for both iPhones and Android phones using the same code. It's designed to work across both platforms, though sometimes you might need to add special bits of code for certain phone features. If you have a complex app idea, you can still use React Native and just set up a few extra things for each type of phone.

Community Support

React Native is really popular, so there's a big community of people who use it. This means you can find lots of tools, libraries, and help from others easily. Facebook, the company behind React Native, keeps it updated and fixes problems regularly. Having so many people and resources available makes it easier to solve any issues you run into.

2. Flutter



Flutter uses Google's Skia 2D graphics engine, which lets it draw things on the screen quickly and smoothly. This means apps made with Flutter work really fast, almost like apps made specifically for each type of phone. But, Flutter apps can be a bit bigger in size, so developers need to work on keeping them quick and light.

Development Time

With Flutter, developers can see the changes they make in real-time without needing to rebuild the app. This feature, called hot reload, makes it much easier and faster to improve the app. Flutter also has a lot of ready-to-use parts, which means less work in building common things from scratch.

Learning to use Flutter might take a bit more time for those new to its programming language, Dart, or its way of building apps.

Platform Compatibility

Flutter lets you make apps for both iPhones and Android phones with just one set of code. It can also be used for web and desktop apps. Sometimes, you might need to do some extra work to use certain features specific to a platform. Flutter has tools to help with this.

Community Support

Flutter is supported by Google and has a large community around the world. This means there are lots of resources, help, and updates available. Google keeps Flutter up-to-date, and the community also has a say in how Dart, Flutter's programming language, grows.

So, for developers, Flutter is a strong option with lots of support for making mobile apps.

3. Ionic



Ionic turns web apps into mobile apps using a tool called Apache Cordova. It builds apps with web stuff like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Usually, Ionic apps run smoothly, but they might not be as quick as apps made directly for phones, especially if your app has fancy graphics or lots of movement.

Development Time

If you already know how to build websites, you'll find Ionic easy to learn. It has a cool feature that shows your changes right away, which helps make building your app faster. Plus, it comes with lots of ready-made designs that you can use to make your app look nice quickly.

Platform Compatibility

Ionic is great because you can make one app and have it work on Android, iOS, and even the web without starting from scratch each time. You might need to do some extra work to get full access to what phones can do, though.

Community Support

Ionic is free and a lot of people help make it better. You can find guides, extra tools, and help from others easily. Since it's built on top of Cordova, you also get to tap into the Cordova community for even more support.

4. Xamarin



Xamarin lets you use C# and .NET to make apps that work almost as well as if they were made just for iPhones or Android phones. Even when your app has fancy pictures or animations, it usually runs smoothly. This means people can use your app without it getting slow or stuck.

Development Time

For people who already know how to use Visual Studio and C#, Xamarin makes it easier to start making mobile apps. But if you're new to these tools, there might be a bit to learn at first. The good part is that Xamarin has a lot of ready-made parts you can use, which can make making your app faster.

Platform Compatibility

One of the best things about Xamarin is that you can write your app's code once and then use it on iPhones, Android phones, and Windows phones. This can save you a lot of time because you don't have to make a separate app for each type of phone. But remember, you might still need to write some special code for different phones.

Community Support

Xamarin is supported by Microsoft, so it has a lot of helpful resources and a community of people who use it. While it might not have as many users as some other app-making tools like React Native, Microsoft makes sure Xamarin stays up-to-date and works well.

5. Kotlin Multiplatform

Kotlin Multiplatform


Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) helps make apps that work really well on each type of device, just like if they were made using the device's own language. It works nicely with code that's already there, so developers can use the same main logic across different devices while keeping the app running smoothly. This means KMP apps can easily handle complicated tasks and look good doing it.

Development Time

For developers who already use Kotlin for Android apps, learning KMP is pretty straightforward. You can start small and share more code across platforms as you go. The hot reload feature lets you see changes quickly, and using Jetpack Compose to share UI code makes things even faster.

Platform Compatibility

KMP's big plus is that it lets you make apps for iOS, Android, web, desktop, and servers all from one set of code. It gives you full access to each platform's special features when you need them. Sharing code means less repeating work, and the apps still feel right at home on each device.

Community Support

Since JetBrains recently said Kotlin Multiplatform is ready to go, more and more people are starting to use it. There's lots of good info out there, like guides, stories from big companies that use it, and a community that's making tools and libraries. With JetBrains in charge, KMP is getting better all the time, following the plan for Kotlin.

Pros and Cons

This section looks at the good and not-so-good points of the most popular mobile app development frameworks in 2024.

Framework Pros Cons
React Native - Quick updates with fast refresh
- You can use the same pieces in different places
- Lots of people to help out
- Struggles with complicated pictures or movements
- Sometimes needs extra code for special features
Flutter - Instant feedback with hot reload
- Lets you make really custom designs easily
- Very good speed
- Apps can end up being bigger
- Learning Dart language takes extra effort
Xamarin - Works as well as apps made just for one type of phone
- Share code across different phones
- Can use all phone features
- Setting it up can be tricky
- Not as many people to help
Ionic - Lets you make apps for different phones at once
- Uses web skills you might already have
- Lots of ready-made designs
- Not as fast as apps made just for phones
- Hard to use phone's special features
Kotlin Multiplatform - Use the same main code for Android and iOS
- Uses the phone's own design for the best look
- Good for people who already know Kotlin
- iOS support is still growing
- Not as many tools yet

React Native

React Native is liked because you can see changes quickly and use parts of your app in different places. It also has a big group of people ready to help with problems.

The downside is that it might not do well with games or apps that need to show complicated images. Sometimes, you have to add extra code to do things the framework can't do on its own.


Flutter is great for making apps look exactly how you want quickly. The hot reload feature means you can see what you're changing as you go. Apps also run really smoothly.

However, learning to use Flutter can be hard because it uses Dart, which is different. Also, the apps you make might be bigger than other apps.


Xamarin is good because it lets your app use all the features of a phone, just like if it was made only for that phone. You can also use the same code for different types of phones.

But, it can be hard to set up, and there aren't as many people using it, which means less help when you need it.


Ionic is cool because it lets you use what you know about making websites to make mobile apps. It has a lot of designs you can use to make your app look good fast.

The problem is that these apps might not run as fast as others. And it can be tricky to get them to do everything you want with the phone's features.

Kotlin Multiplatform


Kotlin Multiplatform is handy because you can share a lot of your app's code between Android and iOS. It looks and works great on both types of phones. If you're already using Kotlin for Android, this might be easier to learn.

But, the support for iOS is still new and growing. And there aren't as many extra tools and libraries available yet.


Frameworks to Watch in 2024

As the world of making apps for phones and computers keeps changing, there are some new tools out there that look really promising in 2024. These tools are fresh and could change how we make apps.

Kotlin Multiplatform

Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) uses Kotlin to let you share the same code for apps on Android, iOS, web, and more.

  • It lets you use everything the phone offers for top-notch app performance.
  • If you know Kotlin, you can use it to make apps for many platforms.
  • Jetpack Compose helps you make UIs for desktop and web apps easier.

With Google really getting behind Kotlin, KMP could become a super flexible choice. More tools and support are also making it more appealing.

Flutter for Web

Flutter, which is really popular for making mobile apps, is now also for making websites.

  • Create interactive websites using Flutter’s cool features.
  • Write your code once and use it for websites, mobile, and desktop apps.
  • See changes instantly with hot reload while you work.
  • Customize easily with lots of design choices.

As more people start using Flutter, it could be a great option for making apps and websites that work on all devices.


Blazor lets you use C# and .NET instead of JavaScript to build web apps.

  • Use skills and tools you already know from .NET to make web apps.
  • Get fast performance with a familiar way of coding.
  • Share code between servers, clients, and native apps.
  • Enjoy the solid foundation of .NET and Visual Studio.

For people who already work with .NET, Blazor makes making web apps easier while sticking to what they like.


Capacitor is a simple way to turn web apps into apps for iOS, Android, and desktop.

  • Use web tech like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to make apps for all platforms.
  • Get to all the phone’s features across different devices.
  • Keep your app running fast and small.
  • Update your app easily without big downloads.

For web developers looking to reach mobile users, Capacitor simplifies the process while keeping the good parts of web apps.

Watching these new tools can help you make smart choices for future app projects. Thinking about what you need and what each tool offers will help you pick the right one.


To wrap up, we've looked closely at some of the top tools for making mobile apps in 2024. We compared them based on how well they perform, how quickly you can make an app, if they work on different kinds of phones, and how much help you can get from other people who use them.

React Native is really good because apps run smoothly, you can see changes you make right away, and lots of people are there to help if you get stuck. But, for really fancy moving pictures or effects, you might need to do some extra coding.

Flutter is great for making changes quickly and making your app look just how you want. It's also fast. But, learning its programming language, Dart, can take a bit more time.

Xamarin lets you use the same code for different types of phones and gets the most out of the phone's features. However, not as many people use it, so finding help might be harder.

Ionic is good for people who already know how to make websites because you can use similar skills. But, if your app needs lots of graphics, it might not run as fast.

The new kid, Kotlin Multiplatform, is good for sharing a lot of your app's code across mobile and desktop apps. But, it's still working on making things better for iPhone apps.

There are also some new tools like Flutter for Web, Blazor, and Capacitor that are worth watching. They offer new ways to make apps and websites.

Choosing the right tool depends on what you need for your app. But staying open to new ideas is important because new tools are always coming out.

What is the most used mobile app framework?

The most popular mobile app frameworks based on how many people use them are:

  • React Native - This framework lets you use the same code for both iOS and Android apps. It's made by Facebook.
  • Flutter - A tool from Google for making apps that look and work great on any device.
  • Ionic - Good for making apps with web technologies like HTML and JavaScript.
  • Xamarin - Allows you to build apps for iOS, Android, and Windows using C#.

React Native is the most used because it has a big community, provides a smooth experience, and you can use the same code for different platforms. Flutter is also becoming very popular because of its instant update feature and beautiful designs.

Which framework is used for app development?

The top frameworks used for making apps that work on both iOS and Android in 2024 are:

These tools let you use the same code for iOS and Android. Flutter and React Native are the favorites for making high-quality apps.

What is the top mobile app development framework owned by Microsoft?

The top app-making tool from Microsoft is Xamarin. It lets you create apps for iOS, Android, and Windows using C#. It's great because:

  • You can use one C# code for all platforms
  • It lets your app use everything the device offers
  • You have a lot of .NET libraries to use
  • It works well with Visual Studio

So, Xamarin helps you make real native apps with the same code for different devices.

Which methodology is best for mobile application development?

Making apps specifically for each platform, like iOS or Android, is usually the best way to go. This is called native app development.

Why native development is good:

  • It gives the best performance
  • Your app can use all the features of the device
  • The user experience is tailored for each platform
  • It's easier to get your app on the app stores

So, building apps this way gives the best experience for users, though it might take more time and work. Tools like React Native that let you use the same code for different platforms are also popular.

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