Remember the days when customers had to wait anxiously for support responses from businesses often enduring frustrating delays? Well, those days are becoming a relic of the past, thanks to the transformative power of AI chatbots. Nowadays, businesses can deliver instantaneous support around the clock, enhancing customer satisfaction. Find more about How Chatbots Benefit Your Business

AI chatbots are software applications powered by artificial intelligence technologies that simulate human-like conversations with users. They can understand natural language inputs, interpret user intents, and generate appropriate responses, providing a seamless and efficient way for users to interact with software systems.

Why Build an AI chatbot with Flutter?

Flutter offers a versatile and efficient framework for building cross-platform mobile apps. By leveraging Flutter for AI chatbot development, developers can benefit from

  • Faster development because of its hot reload feature enabling rapid iterations.
  • Native performance and smooth user experience, as it translates to native code.
  • Attractive UI as it provides customizable widgets and animations.

Designing the Chat Interface

First, you need to set up your Flutter project, then you can start designing the chat interface. When designing the chat interface, consider the following aspects:

  • Design a user-friendly interface using Flutter widgets such as ListView, TextField, and GestureDetector. Implement features like message bubble, input text field, and send button. 
  • Customize the appearance of incoming and outgoing messages to distinguish user input and chatbot responses using different colors, visual clarity, etc.

Choosing Your Approach

There are two main approaches to building an AI Chatbot.

i- Using Pre-built Services

To use a pre-built service you can follow the steps below

  1. Choose the right service based on factors such as price, features, scalability, and ease of integration. Sign up for the selected service
  2. Define intents based on common queries and actions. Create entities to extract relevant information from user messages, and response templates for each intent to provide meaningful and contextually appropriate replies.
  3. Train the model using sample conversations and test its accuracy and performance. Monitor training metrics such as accuracy, precision, etc. 
  4. Use the service’s API or SDK to send user messages and receive chatbot responses.
  5. Implement authentication and error-handling mechanisms.
  6. Use asynchronous programming techniques in Flutter to make API calls without blocking the main UI thread. Handle network requests and responses using packages like http or dio. Update the UI dynamically as new messages are sent and received.


  • Pre-built services offer ready-to-use solutions with minimum setup and configuration required.
  • They often come with advanced NLP capabilities, including entity recognition, sentiment analysis, and multi-language support.
  • Cloud-based services can handle high volumes of data and scale dynamically to meet the growing demand.


  • There’s limited customization and flexibility, restricting the ability to tailor to specific use cases.
  • It can be expensive for high-traffic applications.

ii- Building Your Own Models

To design your own model, you can adhere to the following steps

  1. Identify sources of data relevant to your chatbot’s domain and use case. Collect data from public datasets, online forums, or synthetic data generation tools.
  2. Clean the data by removing irrelevant information, and errors, standardizing the text formats. Tokenize sentences into individual words or tokens for further processing.
  3. Define intents and label data samples with corresponding intents, entities, or slots. Create training, validation, and test datasets to train and evaluate your AI model.
  4. Select a machine learning algorithm or model architecture suitable for your requirements. Train the model using labeled training data. Evaluate its performance on the validation dataset and fine-tune it.
  5. Choose a deployment option based on factors such as scalability, latency, and cost. Deploy the trained model to a cloud platform such as Google Cloud Platform, AWS. or Azure, using containerization or serverless computing. Or, you can deploy it to local server or edge device for offline or low-latency inference.
  6. Expose the deployed model through a RESTful API or GraphQL endpoint for interaction with client application.
  7. Implement methods for sending user messages and receiving chatbot responses over HTTP or WebSocket protocols. Secure the API endpoints with authentication mechanisms such as API keys or OAuth tokens.
  8. Use Flutter's http or dio package to make HTTP requests to your API endpoint. Implement error handling and retry strategies for network requests to handle connectivity issues gracefully.
  9. Parse the JSON response from your API endpoint to extract the chatbot's reply and any additional metadata. Update the UI to display the chatbot's response in the chat interface, scrolling to the latest message as needed.


  • You have complete control over the model's architecture, training data, and behavior. This allows you to tailor it to your specific domain, needs, and target audience. Providing higher accuracy and unique features.
  • You retain complete ownership and control over your data. This is crucial if you're dealing with sensitive data or have strict privacy regulations to adhere to.
  • You can build and scale your model to handle larger datasets and a growing user base.


  • Building a custom model requires expertise in machine learning and NLP. This can lead to a longer development time compared to using pre-built services.
  • Compared to pre-built solutions, you'll need to invest in computational resources, training data, and personnel.
  • Unlike pre-built services that handle updates and bug fixes, you're responsible for continuously improving your model, addressing bugs, and adapting it to evolving trends and technologies

When choosing your approach you need to consider the following questions

  • Does your team have the necessary skills to build and maintain a custom model?
  • Do you require a quick solution or have time for development?
  • How crucial is the customization and accuracy specific to the project’s domain?
  • Is data security and control a major concern?

Whether utilizing pre-built services or building custom models, integrating AI chatbots with Flutter can revolutionize your business operations and drive customer satisfaction to new heights.

Case Study:  Eve Assist AI- A Flutter-Powered AI Assistant

Eve Assist AI, developed by Zee Palm, is a versatile virtual assistant app leveraging Flutter for its mobile experience. It showcases the power of AI chatbots in various domains:

  • Assistant Mode:  Answer questions, and provide information, recommendations, and insights.
  • Consultant Mode: Offer valuable guidance and expertise in specific domains.
  • Business Planner Mode: Assist with strategic planning, market analysis, and financial projections.
  • Friend Mode: Engage in conversations, provide emotional support, and keep the user company.

 User Interface and Technical Details:

Chat Interface

Eve Assist AI's user interface (UI) plays a crucial role in delivering a seamless and intuitive user experience. Built entirely with Flutter widgets, the UI boasts several key features:

Custom chat interface: The app utilizes a visually appealing and user-friendly chat interface, allowing users to interact with the AI assistant through text messages and voice commands

Custom widgets: To achieve the desired functionality and user experience, the development team built several custom widgets using Flutter. These include:

  • A text field specifically designed for voice commands, optimized for speech recognition and accessibility.
  • Onboarding screens utilizing PageView to provide a smooth and informative introduction to the app's features.
  • A drawer implemented using flutter_zoom_drawer, offering easy access to app settings and functionalities.
Onboarding Screens

Implementation Details:

Beyond the visually appealing UI, Eve Assist AI leverages various technical components to deliver its functionalities:

  • State management and localization: GetX is used for state management, ensuring data consistency across the app while enabling localization for different languages.
  • Subscription management: purchases_flutter handles subscriptions within the app, allowing users to unlock premium features.
  • Chat history: Firebase services provide a scalable and secure solution for storing and retrieving chat history.
  • User feedback: flutter_rating_bar enables users to provide feedback on their experience with the app, helping the development team continuously improve.
Rating bar for user feedback
  • External API integration: GPT API integration empowers Eve Assist AI to generate more comprehensive and informative responses, enhancing the overall user experience.
  • Notifications: Awesome_Notifications allows the app to send users timely notifications and reminders.

By combining a well-designed user interface with robust technical components, Eve Assist AI provides users with a versatile and intelligent virtual assistant experience.


Building chatbots with Flutter provides a versatile and efficient framework for creating cross-platform mobile apps. The customizable UI widgets and animations in Flutter allow for attractive and user-friendly chat interfaces. When considering the approach to building chatbots, businesses should evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of using pre-built services versus building custom models. Pre-built services offer ready-to-use solutions with advanced natural language processing capabilities but may lack customization and flexibility. On the other hand, building custom models allows for tailored solutions with higher accuracy and unique features but requires expertise and resources. A case study like Eve Assist AI demonstrates how Flutter can be leveraged to create a seamless and intuitive user experience in a versatile virtual assistant app. By leveraging Flutter's features and capabilities, businesses can build chatbots that meet their specific requirements and drive customer satisfaction.

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