In this blog, we will learn about the technology that is becoming more popular and finding its way toward the mobile app development process. AR “Augmented Reality” is a technology that merges reality with the digital world. It enhances our physical world with the help of digital elements, sounds, and other sensory effects. Unlike Virtual reality, instead of creating a digital world for the user, it adds 3D details to the physical world. Therefore, it is either used to change the natural environment or provide useful information to users. To better understand AR, you should know the application that is being used by millions of people all over the world “Snapchat” with its amazing filters like cat ears, makeup filters and so on is an example of AR technology.

Thomas Caudell, a researcher at Boeing Computer Services Research, first used the phrase "augmented reality" in 1990 to describe how electricians assembled intricate wiring connections using head-mounted displays. The yellow first down marker that started showing up in football games broadcast on television sometime in 1998 was one of the first commercial uses of augmented reality technology. 

Since its early stages, AR has advanced significantly due to the evolution in technologies like the rise of smartphones with high-resolution displays, Advanced camera photography features, voice recognition systems, GPS (global positioning system), touch screens that are making tasks easier and modern sensors have increased the accessibility of AR.

How does AR work?

  • Sensing: AR technology as discussed earlier combines the physical world with the digital world for this to happen it must have a model of the physical world which can be made with the help of sensors like GPS, cameras, gyroscopes, etc. 
  • Modelling: After receiving the information about the physical world through sensors, this information is used and designed to develop a 3D model of the physical world for the machine to understand, it also has many more features.
  • Enhancing: Now in this step, the action occurs where the two worlds merge and this is done differently according to the software like from giving yourself a makeover through Snapchat filters to using AR technology to get a demonstration of complete interior design for your new house.
  • Display: Finally the result of the model is shown to the user through mobile phones or other devices.

What are the benefits of AR?

The advantages of Augmented reality are numerous and diverse. From enhancing productivity and efficiency in the industry to reshaping our whole world like how we learn, travel, and interact with others. Companies in industries as varied as real estate, banking, and healthcare have requested AR layering and augmentation for apps they are building, demonstrating how AR is already having an impact on app development throughout the world. Contrary to virtual reality, augmented reality is more widely available and doesn't call for any additional purchases from users. Now let’s see some benefits of AR that have revolutionized our world.

  • Competitive Differentiation: Augmented reality can make your apps stand out in this market without following the current trends it is difficult to survive so AR can connect with users, gain their trust and provide them with an experience that they have never experienced before. See it in Your Space, a function of the Target retail app, allows users to snap a photo of a room in their house and virtually view an object, such as a chair or a picture on the wall, or even change the color of your wall to see how it would appear there.
  • Increased Engagement: AR merges the two worlds physical and digital which enhances user engagement by providing interactive and memorable experiences that draw interest, and pique curiosity for example The Measure app for Apple iOS allows users to select two or more locations in their environment and measure the distance between them by using it as a tape measure.
  • Improved Learning and training: As AR provides more interactive and realistic models it can help users to train better and learn new things more rapidly. This can be done by adding instructions and visual objects to the physical world through augmented reality. For example, Google Translate shows translation overlaid on the real physical world.
  • Reduced Cost: AR can be used to reduce costs as it makes learning and completing tasks easier and they can be done more accurately and quickly. Workers can get real-time instructions and directions via augmented reality (AR). Airbus has created an AR app that helps train technicians to repair aircraft without making mistakes with the help of instructions this task is made easier, and quicker and reduces cost as there is no need to train them anymore.

According to an article, it is said that In 86% of cases, a smartphone was the first device people used to encounter augmented reality.

What are the challenges of AR?

Augmented reality is a rapidly evolving technology but like every other technology it also faces some challenges:

  • Hardware limitations: The range of AR technology is still somewhat constrained by the price and mass of current AR devices. Additionally, the technology demands a lot of computing power, which can quickly deplete batteries.
  • Accuracy and precision: To overlay virtual items appropriately, AR devices must be able to precisely track the user's location and orientation. In demanding circumstances like the outdoors or busy locations, this may be problematic.
  • Content creation: Creating content High-quality AR takes time and requires specialized knowledge. The variety of AR applications that are offered may be constrained as a result.
  • User experience: It might be challenging to utilize AR for long periods since it can be distracting and unsettling. To reduce these problems, designers of AR experiences must be vigilant.

The Future of AR Mobile App Development

Mobile app development has been able to enhance engagement and reshape its value in the world with the help of AR augmented reality and will continue to do so in the future. Furthermore, it is expected that AR technology will probably take mobile apps to the next level with their advanced technology. According to an article it is expected that AR market value will surpass 50 billion dollars by 2024. Here are some advancements in augmented reality that will impact mobile app development in the coming years.

  • Hopefully, in the future, it is expected that with evolvement in the tech world graphics, motion sensors, and positioning systems will become more advanced, and then it will be possible to portray a world that is a combination of digital and real-world but now with more realistic experiences
  • Many industries are benefiting from AR but with evolvement in it further on in the following years, it is expected to grow in all directions causing widespread adoption in manufacturing, retail, healthcare, tourism, education, real estate, and retail, etc.
  • Haptic feedback technology is being developed for headsets of AR technology. This haptic feedback is the ability to feel touch sensations in the real world.
  • Eye-tracking technology is being developed to make AR work more efficiently. This ability can track the user’s eye movements. In this way, it will be able to respond according to the user’s gaze.
  • The future of AR also includes its enhanced accessibility thanks to no-code development platforms. Platforms like will be essential in decreasing the entry barriers for producing AR experiences as the demand for AR-enabled apps increases. These no-code platforms allow even non-technical people to create, distribute, and maintain AR apps without having to have a deep understanding of programming.
  • AI makes AR work. AI can be used to recognize and track objects in the real world. This allows AR applications to overlay virtual objects on top of real objects more accurately and realistically. AI can be used to understand natural language commands. This allows users to interact with AR applications using voice commands, which can be more convenient and natural than using touch controls.

It's just the beginning of augmented reality in this world, The future is bright in mobile app development. As discussed earlier AR is a powerful technology that has revolutionized the world around us. AR technology is advancing every day with improvements in hardware and software. Developers of AR mobile apps will have the chance to work with organizations and other developers to produce more intricate and immersive AR experiences. If you are a mobile app developer it’s an amazing opportunity for you to learn and involve AR technology into your applications.

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