Flutter, a revolutionary cross-platform framework created by Google, has exceedingly simplified the development of high-quality, beautiful apps for Android as well as iOS. Among its vast library of components, one salient feature that stands out is the power of App Notification using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). This article will walk you through an in-depth understanding of this concept.

Understanding App Notification

At the core of any successful mobile app lies effective communication with its users. Notifications represent this important bridge between users and the app. They are the messages that pop up on mobile devices which app publishers can send at any time; users don’t have to be in the app or using their devices to receive them. They can promote products or offers, they can drive users to the app and they can encourage users to engage with the app, increasing overall user experience and value.

Why Choose Flutter for App Notifications?

Flutter is a comprehensive application development framework that covers frontend, backend, and design. The introduction of the cross-platform paradigm means that developers can write code once and run it on multiple platforms. This doesn't only save time, but also ensures uniform performance across different platforms.

Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) and Flutter

Firebase Cloud Messaging is a free, cross-platform messaging solution from Google that lets you reliably send messages to users at no cost. FCM also works seamlessly with Flutter to get our push notifications up and running.

Setting Up The FCM Plugin

The first step towards harnessing the power of FCM in Flutter is setting up the FCM plugin. It involves a few dependencies to be added in the Flutter project. Once the plugin is successfully installed, it can be imported into the Dart code.

Implementation of FCM with Flutter

The FirebaseMessaging class is the core of the FCM implementation. The getToken() method retrieves the token of this app instance which can be used to target this particular device. The configure() method includes event handlers to handle the reception of messages. Further, different methods are available to handle the different types of messages: onMessage, onResume, and onLaunch.

Sending Push Notifications

Sending a push notification to your Flutter app involves crafting a message and deciding on the audience, scheduling, and conversion events. The Firebase console provides a user-friendly interface to create such messages. Alternatively, FCM provides as RESTful service to programmatically construct and send messages.

Customizing Notifications

Using Flutter and FCM, notifications can easily be customized to align with your app’s look-and-feel. You can add a title, a message, an icon, a sound, and various other parameters to make your notification interesting and interactive.


Flutter’s integration with Firebase Cloud Messaging provides a powerful system for sending push notifications. By enhancing engagement, personalized notifications can drastically improve app retention and user experience. Whether you're operating a small business or a large corporation, Flutter App Notification can be a game-changer.