Choosing the right app creation service is crucial for startups looking to balance quality, speed, and budget. Here's a quick guide to help you decide:

  • Budget Constraints: Understand the cost implications and explore options like fixed pricing or pay-as-you-go models to keep initial expenses low.
  • Time to Market: Ensure the service you choose can deliver quickly without compromising on quality. Agile development and reusable components can speed up the process.
  • Scalability: Plan for future growth by discussing scalability early on. Opt for technologies that support easy updates and expansion.

Quick Comparison

Service Budget Options Time to Market Scalability Planning
71Three Good Fast Excellent
Elluminati Inc Excellent Very Fast Outstanding
Appinventiv Good Fast Excellent Excellent Fast Good

Each service has its strengths and weaknesses. Consider your startup’s specific needs, such as budget limitations, desired launch timeline, and scalability requirements, to make the best choice.


  • You want a good app, but you also want to launch it quickly, especially if you're trying to grow fast.
  • Make sure the team you choose can work fast and meet deadlines. Look at their past work to be sure.
  • Using tools that make building apps faster might be a good idea.
  • Everyone involved should agree on when the app is ready to launch to avoid delays.


  • Your app needs to be able to handle more users as your business grows, without crashing or needing a complete redo.
  • Talk about how your app can grow with the team making it.
  • Using modern tech that makes it easier to grow your app is a smart move.
  • Setting up automatic testing and efficient update processes can help your app grow smoothly.

By focusing on these three areas, startups can find an app-building partner that helps them grow without breaking the bank. It's all about balancing good quality, quick work, flexibility, and cost.

Understanding Your Startup's Needs

Before you pick someone to build your app, it's super important to know exactly what you want. Think about who will use your app, what it should do, and where you see your business in the future. This helps make sure you choose a team that really gets what you're looking for.

Here's what you should think about before you start looking:

Identify Target Users

  • Who's going to use your app? Think about their age, what they like, what problems they have that your app can solve.
  • If you can, ask potential users what they think through surveys or chats.
  • Make up profiles for different types of users you're targeting.

Map Required Features

  • Write down the must-have features your app needs to start.
  • Decide what's absolutely necessary and what can wait until later.
  • Think about features that will help your app grow in the future.

Set Business Goals

  • What do you want your app to achieve?
  • Connect your goals to real numbers, like how many people download your app or how much you sell because of it.
  • Make sure these goals fit with your overall business plan.

Determine Budget

  • Look into how much building an app usually costs and how you can pay for it.
  • Be honest about how much you can spend.
  • You could think about adding more complex features later to keep initial costs down.

Outline Timeframes

  • Have a clear idea of when you want your app to be ready.
  • Remember to consider time for designing, building, and testing the app.

Doing this kind of homework makes it easier to find an app-making team that's just right for your startup. Knowing what you need lets you find a perfect match.

Criteria for Comparison

When looking for app creation services, startups should think about three main things: how much money they have, how quickly they want to launch, and making sure the app can grow with their business. Checking out providers in these areas helps find the right fit.

Budget Constraints

Creating a custom mobile app can cost a lot, from $10,000 to more than $100,000, based on what you want it to do. Startups need to be smart about their money. Here are some ideas:

  • Choose fixed prices over paying by the hour. This way, you know exactly how much you'll spend. Set up regular check-ins.
  • Start with the most important features, then add more later. This saves money at the beginning.
  • Think about working with teams from other countries. They often charge less but still do great work.
  • Some developers might accept part payment in company shares or a share of future earnings, making initial costs lower.
  • Look into platforms that offer tools for making apps faster for a monthly fee.

Planning your app carefully and looking at different ways to pay can help you find a good balance between cost and quality.

Time to Market

For startups with new ideas, being the first one out there can be really important. You want to launch quickly but still have a good product.

  • Check the provider's past work to see if they're good at meeting tight deadlines.
  • Agile methods are better than the old ways because they let you make changes faster.
  • Make sure the team uses up-to-date tools and reusable parts to save time.
  • Regular updates, testing, and feedback help catch problems early.
  • Having a team work around the clock can speed things up.
  • Starting with a smaller version of your app can get you launched sooner.

Choosing a team that can move fast while keeping your app stable is crucial for startups.


Your app should be ready to grow as your business does, handling more users and data smoothly.

  • Talk about growth goals early on, like how many users you expect at peak times.
  • Use modern tech that makes it easy to grow parts of your app without overhauling everything.
  • Use smart ways to handle data and requests to keep things running fast.
  • Build your app so you can easily add new features later.
  • Cloud services can adjust resources automatically, so you don't have to worry about it.
  • Keep an eye on performance and scale up when needed.

Planning for growth from the start means your app can expand without big headaches later.

Looking at app creators in these key areas helps startups find the right partner for making mobile apps that are set up for success. The best choice balances a tight budget with the need to launch quickly and plan for future growth.

Comparative Analysis of Top App Creation Services

1. 71Three

Budget Constraints

71Three lets you choose between a set price or paying by the hour. They're open about their costs, so you can see them on their website. For fixed price projects, they tell you the cost upfront, based on what you need. If you're paying by the hour, you get a dedicated person to help manage your budget.

They're good at making basic apps for startups that don't have a lot of money. They focus on the most important features first to keep the starting costs low. Sometimes, 71Three might agree to take a share of the company or profits instead of some of the payment.

Time to Market

71Three uses a quick way of working called agile development to get your project done faster. They break the work into smaller parts and keep testing as they go to speed things up.

They have a history of getting basic apps done in 4-8 weeks by focusing on the essentials. 71Three makes custom apps but also uses tools and parts that are already out there to make things go quicker.


From the beginning, 71Three plans for your app to handle more users and more data over time. They think about using the cloud and making parts of the app that can grow.

They pay close attention to how well the app works and test it with a lot of users. 71Three also keeps working on the app after it's launched, adding new things and making changes so you don't have to start over as your app gets more popular.

2. Elluminati Inc

Budget Constraints

Elluminati Inc is clear about how much things cost from the start. They set a price based on what your app needs and how complex it is. They also let you pay in parts as the work moves along.

For startups watching their wallets, Elluminati builds the most important parts of your app first. You can add more stuff later when you have more money. They're also open to sharing profits instead of getting all their money upfront.

Time to Market

Elluminati uses a step-by-step method to make apps quickly. They check their work often to find and fix problems early, which helps get your app out faster.

They've made simple apps in about 6-10 weeks before. Elluminati uses parts that are already made and the latest tools to save time.

They have teams around the world that work all day and night. This means someone is always working on your project, which can speed things up.


Elluminati plans for your app to get bigger from the very start. They think about how to handle more users and more data later on. They make parts of your app so they can be updated easily as more people use it.

They keep an eye on how the app is doing to spot any issues before they get big. Using cloud services, Elluminati can add more power to your app automatically when lots of people are using it.

They also keep making your app better over time. This way, your app can grow with your business without needing to start from scratch.

3. Appinventiv

Budget Constraints

Appinventiv makes it clear how much things will cost right from the start. They offer a choice between a set price or paying by the hour, and they focus on the main features first to keep costs down.

For those watching their budget, Appinventiv can create simple, basic apps first, adding more complex features later. They also suggest using free, open-source options to save money. Sometimes, they might agree to take a share of the profits instead of getting all their money upfront.

Time to Market

Appinventiv uses a quick, step-by-step process to build apps. They check in with the people they're making the app for often, to make sure everything's on track for launch.

They put apps together fast by using parts that are ready to go, getting help from other companies' tools, and reusing bits they've made before. They also have teams working all the time, which means they can get simple apps done in about 5-7 weeks.


Appinventiv plans for apps to grow right from the start, making sure they can handle more users and more data without trouble. They use modern tech to make sure the app can grow easily.

They keep an eye on how the app is doing to catch any problems early. They use cloud services, which means the app can support more users without anyone having to manually make changes. They also keep updating the app over time, so it keeps working well as the business gets bigger.


Budget Constraints is clear about how much it will cost to make your app right from the start. They focus on building the most important parts first to keep your initial spending low.

They recommend using free tools whenever possible to cut down on costs. is also okay with other ways of payment, like taking a share of your earnings instead of you paying everything upfront.

Time to Market uses a quick way of working to get your app done fast. They break the work into small parts and check for problems often.

They've been able to make simple apps in about 5-8 weeks before by using parts they've already made and tools that help speed things up. They have teams working all the time, which means your app gets made quicker.

Scalability makes sure your app can handle more people using it without any problems. They plan for times when lots of people might use your app at once.

They keep an eye on how your app is doing and make small changes to keep it running well. If your app needs to grow, they can update parts of it without having to redo everything.


Pros and Cons

Let's look at the good and not-so-good points of each app making service. We've also made a table to help you see how they compare.



  • Prices are clear (you can pay a set price or by the hour)
  • They focus on the most important parts of the app first
  • They can make apps quickly, in about 4-8 weeks
  • They think about how the app can grow right from the start


  • Not much info on their past work is available
  • They have a small team, which might limit how much they can do

Elluminati Inc


  • Different ways to pay, including sharing profits
  • They make apps quickly, in about 6-10 weeks
  • They have a team working all the time to finish projects faster
  • They use cloud services that automatically adjust as more people use your app


  • Complex apps can be pricey
  • They're not as experienced with newer tech like Flutter



  • You can choose to pay a set price or by the hour
  • They start with the app's most important features
  • They use an agile approach to build apps
  • Their code is ready for your app to grow


  • They mostly work on iOS and Android
  • They don't show many examples of their work


  • They make it clear which options are less expensive
  • They can make apps quickly, in about 5-8 weeks
  • They offer different ways to pay, like sharing profits
  • They monitor your app to make sure it can grow


  • They're still working on making a name for themselves
  • It's not clear how big a project they need to start working
Service Budget Options Time to Market Scalability Planning
71Three Good Fast Excellent
Elluminati Inc Excellent Very Fast Outstanding
Appinventiv Good Fast Excellent Excellent Fast Good

Each service has things they're good at and things they're not so good at. You'll need to think about what's most important for your app, like how much you can spend, how quickly you need it, and how it will handle more users over time. The table gives a quick look at how these services compare on those points.

Case Studies

To better understand how picking the right partner for app development can really make a difference, let's look at some real stories from startups and what happened after they chose who would build their apps.

Foodie Favorites - Restaurant Recommendation App

Foodie Favorites had an idea for an app that would help people find local restaurants they might like. They were just starting out and didn't have a lot of money to spend, but they wanted to get their basic app out there quickly to see if people liked it.

They went with because it was affordable and they could build the app fast. focused on the key parts like setting up user profiles, listing restaurants, and a simple way to recommend places. They got a basic version of the app ready in 6 weeks.

This quick start let Foodie Favorites test their idea with real users and improve the app based on feedback. As they grew and had more money, they added new features with's help, like better recommendations and the ability to book tables.

DriveSafe - Driver Monitoring App

DriveSafe was working on an app to keep an eye on how people drive and help make driving safer. For an insurance startup, it was super important that their app worked well and could handle a lot of data.

They chose AppInventiv because they're good at making high-quality apps that can grow. The team built a system that could track driving in real-time and work with lots of drivers. This planning meant DriveSafe's app could handle more users easily without needing big changes later.

AppInventiv helped DriveSafe grow by making sure their app could work with more insurance companies and handle more data smoothly.

ShopLocal - Local Retail App

ShopLocal wanted to create an app that would show users deals from stores in their area. They didn't have much money for marketing, so they needed the app to spread by word of mouth.

They hired Elluminati because they could build the app quickly and work on it any time, day or night. Elluminati made an app that was easy to use, with features focused on showing deals and letting users share them.

ShopLocal got their app out in just 8 weeks, faster than they thought. This quick launch helped them get attention from early users. Elluminati kept improving the app based on what users said, which helped more people find out about it and use it.


Choosing the right team to build your app is a big deal for startups. You've got to watch your budget, you need your app made fast, and you want to make sure it can grow with your business.

Here's what we've learned from comparing different app creation services:

  • Know what you need before you pick a service. Write down what your app should do, how much you can spend, how soon you need it, and how you plan for it to grow.
  • Look into each provider carefully. Check their skills, how they work, what other people say about them, and what they've made before. It's good if they know a lot about your industry.
  • Find a balance between good quality and what you can afford. Think about getting a set price, adding features in stages, and different ways to pay.
  • Speed is key. Use quick methods, have teams work at the same time, reuse parts that already exist, and keep checking the progress. This way, you can get a simple version of your app out there sooner.
  • Make sure your app can handle more users later. Plan for busy times, build the app in a way that lets it grow, use the cloud, and keep an eye on how it's doing right from the start.
  • Compare services on how well they fit your budget, how quickly they can make your app, and how easily your app can be updated. Pick the one that matches what you need the most.

By carefully choosing who makes your app, focusing on these important points, startups can work with a team that helps turn their app idea into a reality. This can lead to your business growing just like the stories we shared about other startups.

How do I choose an app development company?

When picking a company to make your app, think about these points:

  • Experience: Go for companies that have made apps like the one you want, and have worked in your business area before. This means they get what you need.
  • Portfolio: Look at the apps they've made to see if you like their work and design style.
  • Security knowledge: Make sure they know how to keep your app and user info safe.
  • Tech expertise: Check if they use the latest tech and tools. This helps your app stay up-to-date.
  • Reputation: Look up what others say about them online to see if they're good at meeting deadlines and communicating.
  • Pricing model: Understand how they charge (like fixed price or hourly) to see if it fits your budget.

What is the average start up cost for app development?

The cost to make a custom app usually starts from $60,000 and can go over $250,000. It really depends on what features you want, how complex it is, and if it's for iOS, Android, or both.

To save money at first, just add the most important features. You can always put in more stuff later as your startup grows.

How to find the right mobile app development partner for your startup?

Here's how to find a good company to make your app:

  • Look at their past work to check their skills and style
  • Make sure they've made apps in your field before
  • See if they're up to date with the latest tech like React Native or Flutter
  • Read reviews and look at case studies to check their reputation
  • Talk to them to see if you communicate well together
  • Make sure you agree on what's being made, how long it'll take, and how much it'll cost
  • Pay them in parts as they hit certain goals

How do startups build apps?

Startups usually follow these steps to make an app:

  • Figure out what users need and what problem you're solving
  • Check out the competition and make sure your app fits in the market
  • Plan out the features you need and map out how users will use the app
  • Make simple designs and test them to see how they work
  • Create a good-looking design that fits your brand
  • Use a step-by-step development process with lots of testing
  • Launch quickly to start getting feedback from users
  • Keep improving your app based on what users say

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